Separation - Daily Devotional

Scripture Reading - Luke 10:39-42 KJV

39 And she had a sister called Mary, which also sat at Jesus' feet, and heard his word.
40 But Martha was cumbered about much serving, and came to him, and said, Lord, dost thou not care that my sister hath left me to serve alone? bid her therefore that she help me.
41 And Jesus answered and said unto her, Martha, Martha, thou art careful and troubled about many things:
42 But one thing is needful: and Mary hath chosen that good part, which shall not be taken away from her.

Today’s lesson will discuss another aspect of “separation”. The aspect we are referring to in this lesson is “separation for your “Daily Devotional” unto God”. This type “devotional” is at least twofold. First you must “separate” yourself from doing your normal daily activities and secondly you must “separate” yourself unto God. As we see in today’s reference verses Mary saw Jesus and paid attention to what He was doing so as soon as Jesus started teaching God’s Word Mary was ready and all in. That means Mary literally dropped whatever she was doing and sat down to hear the teachings of Jesus (God’s Word). Whenever Jesus taught good things always followed whether healing, better understanding, deliverance or divine revelation. Mary was willing to forsake her daily chores for a selected time for that day to hear from God. We noticed that since Mary was getting God’s Word she was content and in peace. Whereas Martha on the other-hand also made a decision to honor man by serving her guest, the Lord and herself. Yes, we said herself becauce Martha already had a motive to fulfill her desire to produce good works. Martha’s are common in the Body of Christ because there will always be disciplines (Christians) who think that serving God is more important than fellowshipping with God. Of course they would not tell you that to your face but if you follow their actions and conversations it is obvious that it’s all about their serving record and reputation. Martha made the mistake of treating Jesus commonly which means she always entertains her guest with food and drink and hospitality so Jesus is no different. However, on the contrary Jesus is no ordinary guest because He Is our Personal Lord, Savior and Elder). Yes, Jesus being our Lord means we should ask him first (as soon as He comes on the scene) Lord what would you have me to do to help you at this moment. If The Lord would rather that He serves you (by you listening to His Awesome instructions and teachings) be content to do so. If you don’t ask God about His Will for your life how would you ever know exactly what He has planned for you. Yes, Jesus has a specific plan and purpose for your life but it is your responsibility to spend sufficient time with Jesus to know clearly what His Will is concerning your life. We are all called to do something in Christ Jesus because presenting that gift unto the world is how we let our lights shine before mankind. So just like Mary we must make the decision to pull away from the hustle and bustle of each day to spend quality time with Jesus, our Lord, Priest, Healer and Friend. Jesus said in John 14:23 KJV, “If a man love me, he will keep my words: and my Father will love him, and we will come unto him, and make our abode with him.” This statement reveals to everyone those who love God and those who don’t. It is not a matter of how much you pray, it is not a matter of how much you go to church, nor is it a matter of quoting scripture. This key with loving God is keeping the Words of Jesus which means you must spend adequate time with God’s Word to be a keeper (a doer) of God’s Word. Dear faith friend this is not just studying God’s Word to be expert on what is said because many Jews did that and missed understanding the revelation of Jesus Christ and who He Is to all mankind. Keeping God’s Word goes much more deeper than that because keeping God’s Word means not only reading your Holy Bible in meekness (teachableness) but you must keep a humble heart to learn what the scripture is really saying to you. If you learn something new that is truth you then must make a sincere effort to include it (your new revelation) into your daily lifestyle. Yes, your “Daily Devotion” is not just spending time with God but it is being in His Presence as God (for you are a child of God). Yes, you spend time with God having an open and happy heart that is ready to receive from God. This blessed time of fellowship is done consistently and lovingly because God is there for us consistently and lovingly also. Therefore we are doers of God’s Word everyday so it only makes sense that we would spend time with God on a “daily basis”. We are not spending time with God to demonstrate our good works but rather we spend quality time with Jesus and our Heavenly Father so that the fruit of our life will produce God’s works unto the glory of God the Father in Jesus Name. So in summary, when thinking about our “Daily Devotional” time with God. We start by “separating” ourselves from all other earthly distractions of the day and then we “separate unto God” by spending quality time with God’s Word in the Spirit of His Love inside your secret place with God. Now your special time with God could vary depending upon your family, career and personality type and that is OK, just be sure to dedicate some meaningful time with God during each day and every day. We (ihlcc) believe 10 minutes is too little while 3 hours is too much for most people. We know of some people who start with a half-hour then move up and others who fellowship with God for 1 to 2 hours each day. Every Believer must follow their own heart because that is between you and God. We (ihlcc) are believing that you and God know exactly how much time you need to be together to properly receive God’s wisdom and guidance on a regular basis. Just be sure to acknowledge Him in all your ways so that He can direct your path according to Proverbs 3:6. Amen!